Join Us


Why not join us and try out new things?
We actively recruit members throughout the year!



この公式HPにもイベント紹介や活動報告、メンバーインタビューなどを掲載しています。Taki Plaza地下2階の居室では広報誌Hoyaの配布もしています。






・会費などはありますか?/ Are there any membership fees? expand_more

We collect 1,000 yen as a membership fee every year. This money is used to improve the circle activities and will be compensated to everyone.

・入りたい/話を聞いてみたいです。どうしたらいい?/ How can I join or inquire about TPG? expand_more

 ページ下部にあるSNSまたはメールアドレスにいつでもご連絡ください。Taki Plaza地下2階奥の居室スペースに直接来て声をかけてもらっても大丈夫です!
Feel free to contact us anytime through the SNS or email addresses at the bottom of the page. You can also come directly to the space in the basement, 2nd floor of Taki Plaza!

・何年生が入れますか?/ What grade students are eligible to join? expand_more

We are always looking for applicants in the third year of a bachelor's degree or lower, and TPG-sponsored events are open to all grade, so please take a look at them as well.

・年中いつでも入会できますか?/ Can I join at any time of the year? expand_more

You are very welcome. There are many members who have joined TPG along the way and are enjoying their activities.

・留学生でも入れますか?/ Can international students join? expand_more

You are very welcome. We have had many international students among our past active members. Currently, we have three international students (Malaysia, India, and England).

・活動日はいつですか? When are the activity days? expand_more

Currently, our activities take place every Tuesday from 17:30 to around 19:00. For more details, please visit this page.

・サークルの雰囲気はどんな感じですか?メンバーはどんな人たちですか? What is the atmosphere of the Circle? What are the members like? expand_more

The atmosphere of the circle varies in group. Some groups are lively and friendly, others are relatively calm. The club has 47 members: 16 first-year students and 31 second-year students. You can see the members and their activities in detail on each group's homepage.

・他のサークルに入っている人はどれくらいいますか? How many people belong to other circles? expand_more

More than half of the people belong to other circles. So, it depends on how busy other circles are, but it's possible to balance them!

・サークルの活動にはどのくらいの時間や労力がかかりますか? How much time and effort does it take your activity? expand_more


・勉強やバイトとの両立はできますか? Is it compatible with studying and working part-time? expand_more

Almost all TPG members work part-time. Also, when we took a questionnaire within the members, the average GPA was around 3, so it is possible to balance it with studying. Also, there are no activities before the exam. furthermore, it is possible to be absent from activities when you are busy with assignments.